6 Easy Ways To Self-Care This Weekend

6 Easy Ways To Self-Care This Weekend

Let’s face it. When other responsibilities get in the way, it’s the things we do for ourselves that we tend to sacrifice first. So this weekend, I wanted to share a few straightforward, relatively easy ways you can re-prioritise your own health and wellbeing and practice self-care.

Before You Start

This is a friendly reminder to take a quick personal inventory and evaluate where you’re really at right now. Ask yourself what you need — body, mind and soul. The form of self-care you choose will be dependent upon and particular to a specific need.

Feeling overwhelmed? You may need to take a day or two away from your phone and spend some time in nature to recharge. Feeling emotionally drained? A quiet, mindful activity like drawing or painting might feel good. Anxious? I might start with a bath and a drop or two of CBD oil.

Regularly checking in with yourself is key to understanding not only what you’re feeling and what you might need to self-soothe, but also whether there are any patterns that might help you better anticipate and tend to your needs moving forward.

Easy Ways to Self-Care

I should clarify; self-care isn’t easy. It takes a strong mind-body connection, intuition, emotional intelligence, and honesty just to be self-aware, let alone ‘good’ at self-care. And the truth is, even if you are deeply self-aware, knowing what you need to self-soothe can be it’s own challenge. With that said, there are a few, shall we say usual suspects, which are often a good place to start.

These are the 6 easy ways you can self-care this weekend:

1. Get some extra sleep

You know that you routine you swear by? It’s okay to take a day off if you’ve finished the week feeling run down. So turn off your alarm clock, go to bed an hour earlier, take a nap during the day — sleep in. A tired body can use the extra sleep.

2. Have some fun

It doesn’t have to be wild and crazy, but it’s time to mix it up. Is there something new you could try that you’ve never done before? What did you enjoy doing as a kid that you haven’t done in years because you’re ‘too adult‘ now? Don’t think too hard, be impulsive, spontaneous! Now is the time! Personally, I’m thinking about getting into watercolour

3. Workout or don’t

No one is going to judge you more than you judge yourself. So you know that rigorous routine you adhere to? Maybe it’s exactly what you need today… Or maybe it isn’t. Check in. Ask yourself instead, what kind of movement would feel good today? 

4. Get out of your head

That negative self-talk loop you’re on? You deserve better and you know it. So take your pick, but dial up the tunes, get some fresh air and do something to physically change your space. It does wonders for your frame of mind.

5. Make some noise

Sing in the shower. Host a karaoke night with your partner. Play the piano. Have a backyard dance party. It doesn’t matter what it is, just make it loud and let it out.

6. Laugh. Even if it’s forced

No seriously, whether it’s your favourite comedy sketch or actual forced laughter, it’s a fact that laughing is good for the soul. Even when it’s forced. Try it. I dare you.

So tell me, which one are you going to try this weekend? Have your own self-care tips? Share the wealth! Let me know in the comments what works well for you.


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